Jill Phillips, Tea Anyone? Tee shirts


Blue with design

Small, medium and large

Five artists / makers based in Northern Ireland at different career stages, working in a variety media, were selected from an open call for this exhibition titled Teatime.

Tea is the most widely consumed drink in the world, the paraphernalia surrounding its preparation and consumption is immense. R-Space presents a selection of items surrounding this wonderful beverage.

During the Easter Rising, the Irish Weekly Times reported that the girls in the dining-room at the GPO “were dressed in the finest clothes and wore knives and pistols in their belts.” Based on old damask floral designs and incorporating imagery of a tea-drinking, gun-toting lady, this design adds a new twist to an old, almost-forgotten story.

Jill Phillips is an award-winning multi-disciplinary designer of bespoke furniture, textiles and interiors, her skills and interests also leading her into other unusual projects where creativity and vision is required.

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